Sastrakom Product: Download FreeCRM for Your Daily Use

Halo sobat semuanya. Saya sudah membuat 1 produk Aplikasi Customer Relationship Management atau CRM gratis yang dibuat menggunakan Laravel. Berikut adalah fitur lengkap dari aplikasi FreeCRM saya:
  1. Client Management termasuk: 
    1. Clients, 
    2. Projects, 
    3. Notes, 
    4. Documents, 
    5. Transactions, 
    6. Reports
  2. Client Management Settings termasuk: 
    1. Currencies, 
    2. Transaction Types, 
    3. Income Resources, 
    4. Client Statuses, 
    5. Project Statuses
  3. Product Management termasuk: 
    1. Categories, 
    2. Tags, 
    3. Products
  4. Task Management termasuk: 
    1. Statuses, 
    2. Tags, 
    3. Tasks, 
    4. Calendar
  5. Expense Management termasuk: 
    1. Expense Categories, 
    2. Income Categories, 
    3. Expenses, 
    4. Income, 
    5. Monthly Reports
  6. User Management termasuk: 
    1. Permissions, 
    2. Roles, 
    3. Users
  7. Messenger
  8. Change Password

Cara Instalasi

  1. Download Aplikasi FreeCRM disini
  2. Buat database dengan nama yang sudah Anda tentukan. Contoh "freecrm"
  3. Extract file-nya dimana saja yang mudah Anda ingat
  4. Buat folder di root server contoh beri nama folder "freecrm" tanpa double quote
  5. Copy source code yang tadi anda extract ke folder web root yang sudah Anda buat barusan
  6. Cari dan edit file yang bernama ".env" menggunakan notepad dan ubah bagian ini:
    Sesuaikan database, username dan passwordnya, setelah selesai simpan dan keluar dari notepad.
  7. Kembali ke folder hasil extract tadi, cari file database.sql
  8. Import database.sql tersebut ke database yang sudah Anda buat tadi
Proses instalasi telah selesai silahkan Anda mencobanya di browser.


Untuk memudahkan tes di lokal, saya sarankan menggunakan Laragon yang bisa Anda download disini. Mengapa Laragon? Karena Laragon memiliki fitur Auto Create Virtual Host yang dapat memudahkan Anda mengakses aplikasi yang dibuat oleh Laravel dan juga lebih mudah dalam mengelola server lokal.
Hi everyone, I've whipped up this free Customer Relationship Management (CRM) app using Laravel. Check out all the features in my FreeCRM app:
  1. Client Management termasuk: 
    1. Clients, 
    2. Projects, 
    3. Notes, 
    4. Documents, 
    5. Transactions, 
    6. Reports
  2. Client Management Settings termasuk: 
    1. Currencies, 
    2. Transaction Types, 
    3. Income Resources, 
    4. Client Statuses, 
    5. Project Statuses
  3. Product Management termasuk: 
    1. Categories, 
    2. Tags, 
    3. Products
  4. Task Management termasuk: 
    1. Statuses, 
    2. Tags, 
    3. Tasks, 
    4. Calendar
  5. Expense Management termasuk: 
    1. Expense Categories, 
    2. Income Categories, 
    3. Expenses, 
    4. Income, 
    5. Monthly Reports
  6. User Management termasuk: 
    1. Permissions, 
    2. Roles, 
    3. Users
  7. Messenger
  8. Change Password

Installation Steps:

  1. Download the FreeCRM Application here.
  2. Create a database with a name of your choice (e.g., "freecrm").
  3. Extract the files.
  4. Create a folder in the server's root directory, for example, name the folder "freecrm" without double quotes.
  5. Copy the source code you extracted into the web root folder you just created.
  6. Find and edit the file named ".env" using Notepad and change this section:
    Adjust the database, username, and password accordingly. Save and exit Notepad.
  7. Go back to the extracted folder, find the database.sql file.
  8. Import the database.sql into the database you created earlier.
The installation process is complete; feel free to try it out in your browser.


For easy testing locally, I recommend using Laragon, which you can download here. Why Laragon? Because Laragon has an Auto Create Virtual Host feature that makes it easy to access applications created by Laravel and also simplifies the management of the local server.

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