Laravel Tips: Load Function from Controller on Blade

Saya memiliki fungsi di controller yang akan digunakan di blade dengan cara seperti ini. Saya buat fungsi dulu di controller, contoh seperti ini:
public function getUser($id){
        $user = User::find($id);
        return $user;
Selanjutnya saya menggunakan ini di bagian blade:
@php $user = app('Modules\ClientManagement\app\Http\Controllers\ClientController')->getUser($client->assigned_to); echo $user->name; @endphp

Sangat sederhana bukan? Silahkan kalau bermanfaat di chare atau disimpan sebagai catatan pribadi.

I have a function in the controller that will be used in the blade like this. First, I create the function in the controller, for example like this:
public function getUser($id){
        $user = User::find($id);
        return $user;
Next, I use this in the blade:
@php $user = app('Modules\ClientManagement\app\Http\Controllers\ClientController')->getUser($client->assigned_to); echo $user->name; @endphp

It's pretty simple, isn't it? Feel free to use it or save it as a personal note if it's helpful.

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